Serving Arizona communities since 1981



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Planning  -  Engineering  -  Surveying


Clients & Projects:

Public Sector:    Planning   Engineering   Surveying

Private Sector:   Planning   Engineering   Surveying



♦ Planning & Rezoning Projects in  the Public Sector


Arizona Department of Library, Archives and Public Records:  Arizona Historic Building Code Report, 1985 


Arizona Department of Transportation: Prescott Area Regional Transportation Plan, 1985-86 


Arizona Governor's Office of Economic Planning and Development: Historic Preservation Task Force Report, 1981 


Arizona State Trust Lands Department:  Deer Valley State Trust Lands Development Feasibility Study, 1981 


City of Mesa:  Town Center Zoning Districts & Town Center Design Guidelines, 1986-87 


City of Mesa:  Zoning Ordinance, 1988 


City of Phoenix:  "Downtown Phoenix Development Kit," City of Phoenix Downtown Framework Plan, Phoenix, Arizona, 1982 


City of Prescott:  Downtown Charette, 1990 


City of Prescott:  Downtown Design & Development Code, 1996-97 


City of Prescott:  General Plan, 1989-91 


City of Prescott:  Municipal Golf Course Masterplan, mixed use, 180-acre development plan, 1988-89 


City of Prescott:  Pioneer Park, 400-acre, regional, multi-use park Masterplan, 1989 


City of Prescott:  Recreation Community District, 1995 


City of St. Johns:  General Plan, 1992 


City of Tolleson:  General Plan, 1995-96; 2002-2005 


City of Tolleson:  Zoning Ordinance; Planning Consultation 1985-87, 1994-Present 


Lake Havasu City:  General Plan, 1990-91 


Pinal County:  Masterplan of the Signal Peak/I-10 Corridor, 1984-85 


Pinal County:  Planning and Zoning Consultant on Zoning Code Revisions and Land Planning, 1984-85 


State Parks Department and State Trust Lands Department:  Lower Oak Creek State Park Alternate Plan, Sedona, Arizona; Arizona Planning Association, 1984 


Town of Chino Valley:  Chino Valley Street Address Plan, 1982 


Town of Chino Valley:  Engineering and Planning consultation, 1982, 1985, 1989-99 


Town of Chino Valley:  General Plan, 1990-91 


Town of Dewey-Humboldt: General Plan, 2008-2009 


Town of Guadalupe:  Planning & Engineering Consultation, 1985-86, 1988-92 


Town of Guadalupe:  Planning and Zoning Consultation, 1981-85 


Town of Payson:  Planning Consultant, 1992-98 


Town of Payson:  Zoning Ordinance, Revisions and Design Standards 1992-94 


Town of Prescott Valley:  Engineering and Planning Consultation, 1982; 1988-Present 


Town of Prescott Valley:  General Plan, 1992-94 


Town of Prescott Valley:  Zoning Ordinance: Site Development Standards & Planned Area Development, 1994 


Town of Quartzsite:  General Plan, 1992 


Town of Springerville:  Zoning Ordinance and planning consultation, 1985-86 


Town of Wickenburg:  General Plan, 2001-2002 


Town of Wickenburg:  Zoning Ordinance, 1988 


Yavapai County:  General Plan, Phase I, 2001; Phase 2, 2002; Adoption, 2003 


Yavapai County: Dewey-Humboldt Community Plan, 1996-98 


Yavapai County: Verde Valley Regional Land Use Plan, 2006 


Yavapai/Prescott Indian Tribe: Zoning Ordinance, 1991-92





♦ Planning & Rezoning Projects in  the Private Sector


Desert Troon Investments, Inc.: Hassayampa Country Club subdivision, golf course, 1994-96


MCB Properties: The Viewpoint subdivision, 1994-Present


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU): Masterplanning, engineering and zoning of 512 acres, Prescott campus and properties, Willow Creek Road, Prescott, Arizona, 1988


Granite Oaks Ltd.: Masterplan, engineering and zoning of 310-acre subdivision, Williamson Valley Road, Prescott, Arizona, 1988-89


Living Springs Resort: Masterplanning, engineering, and zoning of 21-acre cabin and lodge family resort, Oak CreekCanyon, Sedona, Arizona, 1988-89


Donald D. Myers Company: Planning, engineering, rezoning and annexation of a 250-acre PAD for commercial, single-family, townhouse and patio home development, Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona


Yavapai Hills, Inc.: Yavapai Hills PAD, revised masterplan of 1,230 acres; planning, rezoning, engineering and annexation, Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona


American State Bank, Prescott Country Club: 1,500-acre masterplan and PAD; three, 4-acre parcels for condominium development, planning, zoning and engineering, Dewey, Yavapai County, Arizona


Western View Enterprises: Planning, engineering and rezoning, Tanglewood Hills PAD of 120 acres for single-family and townhouses, Prescott, Arizona


Hidden Valley Ranch, Ltd.: Annexation, planning and rezoning, PAD of 320 acres for single-family and patio homes, Prescott, Arizona


Aspen Creek Enterprises: Annexation, planning, rezoning and engineering, Timber Ridge Subdivision; 170-acre planned area development for single-family, townhouses and patio homes, Prescott, Arizona


Thousand Trails, Inc.: 320 acres rezoning and engineering of roadways, water and sanitation facilities for recreational vehicle report, Cottonwood, Verde Valley, Arizona


Carew Properties: 160-acre, single-family, 2-acre Ranchette Subdivision planning and engineering, Chino Valley, Arizona





♦ Engineering Projects in  the Public Sector 


Arizona Department of Transportation, 1991-95: Statewide on-call contract for roadway, drainage improvements, drainage study, construction plans, and specifications.


Arizona Department of Transportation, Bill Williams Avenue Reconstruction Project, 1987 


Arizona Department of Transportation, Giss Parkway Pump Station Study and Construction Plans, 1993-94 


Arizona Department of Transportation, SR 286, Pozo Hondo Wash Drainage Improvements, 1993-94 


Arizona Department of Transportation, State Route 69, Drainage Study, 1989 


Arizona Department of Transportation, U.S. 89A, Drainage Study, 1991-92 


Arizona Department of Transportation, U.S. 95, Plans and Specifications, 1991-92 


City of Prescott, 12" Parallel Water Main Extension, 1986-87:  Design and engineering of 18,000 lineal feet of major supplemental water system.


City of Prescott, Airport Zone Waterline Extension, Larry Caldwell Dr. to Granite Dells, 2000 


City of Prescott, East Gurley Street Reconstruction Project, 1986-87:  0.5 miles, design, engineering and construction. 


City of Prescott, Golf Course and Subdivision, 1989-91: Masterplan and development plat. 


City of Prescott, Municipal Airport, 1988-92:  Five-year upgrade program with Leedshill Herkenhoff. 


City of Prescott, Water System Improvement, 1983:  Design, drawings, specifications and related field work for replacement and extensions of approximately 12,000 LF of water mains.


City of Prescott, West Gurley Street Milling and Overlay Project, 1988:  Design and construction supervision of the project to improve rideability, correct drainage problems, and extend pavement life. 


City of Prescott, Yavapai Hills Sewage Lift Station, 1988. 


Prescott National Forest, On-Call Contract for Roadway, Utility and Camp Facilities Study and Design, 1990-96 


Prescott Veterans Administration, 1983:  Preparation of construction plans and specifications for roadway resurfacing, Phase III; and site improvements for Replacement Domiciliary.


Town of Chino Valley, 1985:  Engineering and planning consultants. 


Town of Chino Valley, Street Address Plan, 1982. 


Town of Guadalupe, 1981-85:  Engineering and planning consultants. 


Town of Guadalupe, Roadway Reconstruction Program, 1982-90:  multi-phase roadway reconstruction project involving approximately 12,000 LF of roads, together with drainage and retention studies


Town of Prescott Valley, 1988 to present:  Perform analyses, design, construction supervision, engineering of Town projects, and engineering review of private projects in capacity as Town Engineer.


Town of Wickenburg, 1990-91:  Street extension and water main improvements. 


Yavapai County Public Works, Glassford Hill Road Extension Alignment Study, 1996-ongoing 


Yavapai County , 1996 to present:  Corridor analyses for regional transportation network of Pioneer Parkway and Glassford Hill Extension in conjunction with realignment studies of SR89 and 89A.


Yavapai County-ADOT, Pioneer Parkway Corridor, 1996-1999 


Yavapai County-ADOT, Prescott Airport Connector (SR89A Realignment), 1997-2000 


Yavapai County-ADOT, SR89A Widening and Realignment Design Concept Report Study, 1997-2000 


Yavapai County-ADOT, Willow Creek Road Realignment and Widening, 1997-1998Yavapai/Prescott Indian Tribe, Amphitheater Feasibility Study, 1988:  Engineering feasibility and cost estimates for analysis of the construction.  Yavapai/Prescott Indian Tribe in conjunction with Reilly-Zucker & Associates.





♦ Engineering Projects in  the Private Sector


6th Street Partnership: Engineering for 24-acre commercial/industrial subdivision, 6th Street, Prescott, Arizona. 


Ace Hardware Distribution Center:  Site evaluation study, engineering, design, and construction staking for 400,000 square foot warehouse on 45-acre site, Prescott Valley, Arizona. 


American State Bank, Prescott Country Club:  1,500-acre masterplan and PAD; three, 4-acre parcels for condominium development, planning, zoning, and engineering, Highway 69, Dewey, Arizona. 


Amigos Rancheros:  36 acres, 104-lot mobile home subdivision, planning, engineering, and rezoning, Sedona, Arizona. 


Aspen Creek Enterprises:  Annexation, planning, rezoning, and engineering, Timber Ridge Subdivision, 170-acre Planned Area Development for single-family, townhouses and patio homes, Copper Basin Road, Prescott, Arizona. 


Bank of Prescott:  Site and feasibility study, Prescott Valley, Arizona. 


Carew Properties:  160-acre, single-family, 2-acre Ranchette Subdivision planning and engineering, Chino Valley, Arizona. 


Casa Construction:  14 acres, Geneva Woods Subdivision, planning and engineering for single-family, Prescott, Arizona. 


Chaparral Hills:  Masterplanning, mapping, engineering, and construction period services for a 65-acre parcel for single-family residential lots. 


Cimarron Construction:  Condominium planning, engineering, and horizontal property regime, Virginia Street, Prescott, Arizona. 


Design Master Homes, Inc.:  Planning, rezoning and engineering of 175-acre, single-family and townhouse subdivisions, including Montana Villas, 12 acres, 120 condominiums, PAD; Montana Estates, 14-acre, single-family subdivision; 109 acres, Northview Estates, single-family lots; and Montana Terrace, 40-acre Planned Area Development for 168 condominiums, patio homes, and master recreation areas, Prescott, Arizona. 


Design Master Homes, Inc.:  Rezoning and planning of many multi-family projects: Chandler, Peoria, Phoenix, and Maricopa County, Arizona. 


Don Savage Development:  Masterplanning, rezoning and engineering of Cliff Rose Subdivision, a Planned Area Development, variable lot size subdivision of patio homes and single-family lots, with greenbelts, on 150 acres, Highway 89 North, Prescott, Arizona. 


Donald D. Myers Company: Planning, engineering, rezoning, and annexation of a 250-acre PAD, Forest Trails, for commercial, single-family, townhouse, and patio home development, Iron Springs Road, Prescott, Arizona. 


Donald D. Myers:  Iron Springs Shopping Center boundary and topographic surveys; and preparation of preliminary site grading and drainage plan for 18-acre shopping center site. 


Double Eagle Corporation: Neighborhood shopping center for IGA grocery; and retail, planning, and engineering for 5-acre commercial subdivision, Highway 279, Sedona, Arizona. 


Double Eagle Corporation: Retail/grocery center, planning, rezoning, and site engineering for 30 acres, Highway 69, Dewey, Arizona. 


Eaton Industries:  46,000 square foot industrial building on 3+ acre site; preparation of site grading, paving, and drainage plan; Prescott, Arizona. 


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU):  Masterplanning, preliminary engineering, and rezoning 512 acres, Prescott campus and properties, Willow Creek Road, Prescott, Arizona. 


George Hardesty:  15 acres, research and planning for single-family subdivision, Pinetop, Arizona. 


Granite Oaks, Ltd.:  Masterplanning, zoning, engineering, surveying, mapping, and construction services for 310 acres, large lot, Granite Oaks Subdivision, Williamson Valley Road, Yavapai County. 


Hassayampa Country Club:  Feasibility research, concept plans, zoning, and engineering services for a 404 Permit for a 426-acre site.  Included in the project are 500 dwelling units and a 130-acre golf course. 


Hidden Valley Ranch, Ltd.:  Annexation, planning and rezoning, Planned Area Development of 320 acres for single-family and patio homes, South White Spar and Haisley Road, Prescott, Arizona. 


Inscription Canyon Ranch Planned Area Development (PAD), Phase One: Masterplanning, engineering, surveying, mapping, and construction period services for approximately 400 acres of large single-family residential lots, Yavapai County. 


Inscription Canyon Ranch Planned Area Development: Project Team coordination, zoning, masterplanning consultation, preliminary engineering design, surveying, and topographic mapping control for over 1800 variable-sized residential lots, golf course, clubhouse, trails, and recreational uses on over 3000 acres, Yavapai County. 


Inscription Canyon Ranch Subdivision, Units, I, II and III: Masterplanning, mapping, engineering, and construction period services for approximately an 800-acre parcel for large single-family residential lots, Yavapai County. 


John B. Turner Corporation:  40 acres, 200-space mobile home park, planning and rezoning, Chino Valley, Arizona. 


Leroy Kissinger:  Planned Area Development of 36 acres for industrial, single-family, and multi-family development, Prescott, Arizona. 


Living Springs Resort:  21-acre cabin and lodge family resort, masterplanning, engineering, and zoning, Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, Arizona, 1988-89. 


MCB Properties: 30 acres, 125-lot manufactured home subdivision, planning, engineering, and rezoning, Prescott Valley, Arizona. 


New Horizon Homes: Masterplanning, rezoning, annexation, and engineering for The Viewpoint, a 637-acre Planned Area Development, variable lot size subdivision of site-built and manufactured single-family lots and multiple family tracts located north of Highway 89A in Prescott Valley.  


O.T. Deck Development:  Planning and preliminary engineering for 2.5 acre, 23-unit recreational vehicle park, Congress, Arizona. 


Palmer Hill Subdivision, PAD:  Masterplanning, engineering, survey, mapping, and construction period services for 21 single-family residential lots and townhouses, Prescott, Arizona. 


Parkwood Group, Willow 38, Willow Creek Plaza:  38 acres, Planned Area Development, single-family, multi-family, and neighborhood shopping center; land use analysis and site planning and engineering, Willow Creek Road, Prescott, Arizona. 


Prescott Industrial Airpark:  10-acre industrial park at Prescott Municipal Airport, masterplanning and final plat preparation. 


Royal Oaks, Ltd.:  Planning, engineering, survey, mapping, and construction services for 224 acres, large lot, Royal Oaks Subdivision, Williamson Valley Road, Yavapai County. 


Santa Fe Villas:  Planning, engineering, survey, mapping, and construction period services for 38 large lot subdivision, Prescott, Arizona. 


Sawmill Gardens:  Planning, engineering and rezoning, 5-acre Planned Area Development for townhomes and office/retail complex, Cottonwood, Arizona. 


Thousand Trails, Inc.:  320 acres, rezoning and engineering of roadways, water, and sanitation facilities for recreational vehicle resort, Cottonwood, Verde Valley, Arizona. 


Town and Country Properties, Inc.:  Prescott shopping center feasibility study, Prescott Valley, Arizona. 


Verona International:  50 acres, planning and engineering for Planned Area Development, single-family and multi-family residential, and Proscuitto Ham Processing Plant, Yavapai County, Arizona. 


Westernview Enterprises:  Planning, engineering, rezoning, survey, mapping, and construction services for Tanglewood Hills Planned Area Development of 120 acres for single-family lots and townhouses, Willow Creek Road/Smoketree Lane, Prescott, Arizona. 


Willow Cove:  Planning, engineering, survey, mapping, and construction period services for a 60-unit patio home development, Prescott, Arizona. 


Yavapai Hills, Inc.: Yavapai Hills PAD, masterplanning of 1,230 acres, planning, rezoning, engineering, and annexation, Highway 69, Prescott, Arizona.





♦ Surveying Projects in  the Public / Private Sector 



Dava & Associates, Inc. has completed American Land Title Association (ALTA) surveys of 9 lots and non-ALTA surveys of 6 lots for acquisition by the Town of Prescott Valley, Arizona. The Town of Prescott Valley was platted as 20 separate subdivision units between 1966 and 1971, covering approximately 5-1/2 square miles. Numerous surveying and engineering firms were involved in the process, and discrepancies between record and monumented land boundaries were numerous. Completion of ALTA and non-ALTA surveys for the Town has required the resolution of discrepancies and/or the establishment of land boundaries with incomplete and sometimes erroneous monumentation. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. has completed numerous projects for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) for the purpose of developing engineering construction plans and acquiring right-of-way and/or easements. Projects include US-95 at Gadsen, Arizona, SRB-40 eastbound at Williams, Arizona, and SR-69 from Prescott Country Club to SR-169. Design surveys include establishment of highway stationing, topographic cross-sections, and location of cultural details, improvements and utilities. Right-of-way and easement surveys require the establishment of ownership and location of land boundaries which intersect or abut highway rights-of-way. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. completed an ALTA survey of approximately 26 acres of the former Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Right-of-Way located in downtown Prescott. The property had extremely vague property descriptions and numerous leases and licenses requiring verification and resolution. The external boundary survey and internal division of the property along occupation and lease lines were completed. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. began the boundary survey and topographic mapping of all City of Prescott properties in the vicinity of Love Field at the Prescott Municipal Airport in early March 1989. The project entailed complete boundary surveys, monumentation, and property legal descriptions for both the rezoning of the airport properties and for the acquisitions of fragmentary, adjacent parcels. Establishment of the airport boundary required resolution of numerous conflicting and confusing deed conveyances. Dava & Associates, Inc. prepared maps and descriptions for leases and easements as part of the project. Additionally, Dava & Associates, Inc. provided AutoCADD-based, one-foot contour intervals, topographic mapping of the airport area for use in construction and development plans. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. completed ground control surveys for topographic mapping procedures. The work involved two different mine site reclamation projects. Horizontal, vertical, State Plane control, and aerial paneling were extensively spread over 10 sections of permitted land. 



A Land Title survey was completed on 237 acres of Arizona State Land Department property and adjoining private parcels during 1983. The survey required resolution of numerous leases and encroachments. The plat was reviewed and approved by State Land Department staff and recorded in the office of Maricopa County Recorder. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. completed surveys and prepared construction plans and specifications for the reconstruction of 1.25 miles of roadway at the Prescott Veterans Administration Medical Center. Roadway reconstruction included evaluation and correction of drainage flooding, ponding, and sediment deposition problems. The flooding and ponding areas were eliminated through profile and cross-section modifications.  Sediment deposition from sources off the primary road system were corrected through profile and cross-section adjustments.   



Dava & Associates, Inc. completed a horizontal and vertical survey control network for the construction of subgrade, footers, columns and walls. Certification surveys of all building columns were completed during construction. Approximately 95 columns were involved. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. completed ground control surveys for topographic mapping procedures. The workload involved 12 square miles of paneling on sectional corners, horizontal and vertical location, and paneling of existing exploration drill holes, and location verification and paneling of existing patented mining claim corners. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. provided surveying services for Runway 11-29 and the Portable T-Hanger Apron Area Design. This project included cross-sections across existing pavement with location of signs, VASI lights, and drainages.  All data were collected in an electronic format using conventional total station and/or global positioning system (GPS) with data provided in an auto-CADD drawing file. This project was completed in 1996. 


Dava & Associates, Inc., also provided design services for Taxiway "Charlie" pavement removal and replacement, and drainage improvements, as follows: Horizontal and vertical control points using the global positioning system (GPS) were set along the length of the   taxiway, and elevations were established using different leveling, including establishing 100-foot stations along the centerline of the taxiway. Cross-sections were taken at 50-foot intervals, plus grade breaks, consisting of centerline, quarter crown, edge of pavement, shoulder, flowline drainage, and approximately 25 feet from edge of pavement. All runway lights, signage and accessories were located, and topographic data collected trigonometrically and in an electronic format. 



Dava & Associates, Inc. provided topographic surveys for Gannett-Fleming,

consulting engineers to the City, for improvements to Iron Springs Road. The purpose of the improvements was to permit a continuous left-turn lane for a major commercial arterial street. Dava & Associates, Inc. survey services provided data collection and mapping of all existing conditions, including pavement sections, curb and gutter, manhole, and utility locations. Right-of-way boundaries and property corners were also established. The survey entailed citing locations and conditions of private buildings, signs, driveways, parking areas, and other structures to be impacted by the street improvements.





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Dava & Associates, Inc.

310 E. Union St.

Prescott, AZ 86303
